Florence Rd has an extensive range of policies that guide our day-to-day governance and operations. Policies are reviewed regularly to ensure currency with changes in legislation, learning and practises. Hard copies of all our policies are available at the kindergarten in the Policy folder located in the foyer. Alternatively policies can be emailed by request. Current policies include:
- Educational Program
- Inclusion and Equity
- Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations
- Administration of First Aid
- Administration of Medication
- Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reation
- Asthma
- Child Safe environment and Wellbeing
- Dealing with Infectious diseases
- Dealing with Medical Conditions
- Delivery and Collection of Children
- Diabetes
- E Safety for children
- Emergency and Evacuation
- Epilepsy and seizures
- Excursions and Service Events
- Food Safety
- Hygiene
- Incident Injury, Trama and Illness
- Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play
- Relaxation and Sleep
- Road Safety and Safe Road Transport
- Sun Protection
- Supervision of Children
- Water Safety
- Environmental Sustainability
- Code of Conduct
- Determining Responsible Person
- Participation of Volunteers and Students
- Staffing
- Interactions with Children
- Enrolment and Orientation.
- Fees
- Governance and Management
- Compliments and Complaints
- Information Communication Technology
- Privacy and Confidentiality
If you have any questions regarding a policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.