Kinder Fitness

Kinder Fitness program activities help to develop the children's coordination, upper body strength and confidence.

See Below

Florence Road Preschool runs a Kinder Fitness program with the 4 year old groups for 8 weeks in Term 3. A specialist PE teacher comes in each week.

The children will participate in a Circus skills program.

What does the program include?

The Kinder Fitness programs are well thought out and incorporate a combination of exercise, game sense, skill development, partner and group work.  Teaching strategies include discussion, demonstration and the use of games and activities in a positive, familiar environment.  Games can be very motivating for children and can assist in learning fundamental motor skills.  Children learn through practice and repetition. Kinder fitness activities also strengthen the children’s arms and wrists which are important when it comes to being able to hold a pencil and when writing.

Throughout the program children are taught:
  • to identify, differentiate and demonstrate various exercises and ball skill actions.
  • to develop locomotive (running, jumps) and non locomotive (bending, stretching) body movements
  • an awareness of body space and the interaction of persons and objects
  • the introduction of exercise to music, encouraging rhythm
  • the linkage of exercise and counting
  • to follow instructions and enhance listening skills
  • develop problem solving
  • develop / maintain coordination, mobility, strength, endurance and agility
  • take on leadership opportunities
  • group and partner work
  • increase hand / eye coordination
  • having fun experiences in a fit and healthy environment.